Yuehao Wang

Ph.D. Student
Department of Computer Science
The University of Texas at Austin

yuehao [at] utexas.edu
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I am a Ph.D. student at UT Austin with VITA Group, advised by Prof. Atlas Wang and Prof. Qixing Huang. Before that, I did my Master of Philosophy at CUHK, where I was fortunate to work with Prof. Tianfan Xue. I obtained my bachelor's degree from ShanghaiTech University.


My current research interests include computer graphics, computer vision, machine learning, and computational photography. In particular, I work on projects in generative models, neural rendering, and 3D scene reconstruction. Below are my research publications.

Note: * indicates authors with equal contribution.

Understanding and Mitigating Bottlenecks of State Space Models through the Lens of Recency and Over-smoothing
ICLR, 2025
We show that SSMs suffer from recency bias and over-smoothing, and propose a polarization technique to improve long-range recall and enable deeper SSMs.
Bilateral Guided Radiance Field Processing
SIGGRAPH (ACM TOG), 2024 (Best Paper Honorable Mention)
We introduce 2D and 3D image signal processing (ISP) pipelines to radiance fields for handling photometric variation and retouching 3D scenes.
SeamlessNeRF: Stitching Part NeRFs with Gradient Propagation
SIGGRAPH Asia, 2023
We present a gradient domain approach for seamless appearance blending of part NeRFs, drawing inspiration from Poisson image editing.
RecolorNeRF: Layer Decomposed Radiance Fields for Efficient Color Editing of 3D Scenes
ACM MM, 2023
We decompose NeRF into pure-color layers for palette-based color editing of 3D scenes.
Neural Rendering for Stereo 3D Reconstruction of Deformable Tissues in Robotic Surgery
MICCAI, 2022 (Oral Presentation, Student Travel Award, Young Scientist Award)
A NeRF-based method for reconstructing deformable tissues from stereo endoscopic images.
Multi-view Neural Human Rendering
Minye Wu, Yuehao Wang, Qiang Hu, Jingyi Yu
CVPR, 2020
We present an end-to-end Neural Human Renderer (NHR) for dynamic human captures under the multi-view setting.
Coding Projects
Interactive Volume Renderer
An interactive volume visualizer for displaying implicit functions, medical data, smoke, etc., using CUDA for real-time rendering.
Let's Compute Graphics
A course project collection of graphics algorithms and applications, including OpenGL, global illumination, Loop subdivision, etc.
Talks & Presentations
  • Multimedia Coding and Processing (Fall 2023) @ CUHK (TA)
  • Fundamentals of Artificial Intelligence (Fall 2021, Fall 2022) @ CUHK (TA)
  • Computer Graphics (Spring 2021) @ ShanghaiTech (TA)
  • Linear Algebra (Fall 2019, Fall 2020) @ ShanghaiTech (TA)
  • Introduction to Computer Programming (Fall 2018) @ ShanghaiTech (TA)
  • Outside of academics, my hobbies include playing the guitar, creative coding, web design, and developing video games. Check out my showcase!